Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The surprise

The surprise is.......
That it is freezing in Australia!
Plus it is really foggy to them aussies, but they don't know fog! It's just low cloud.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A suprise!

There is a suprise for everyone that I have to tell you, but only if I get 3 comments (I feel cheeky today!)

Monday, May 20, 2013

really good video

Hi I just want to say that you really need to watch this:

It is a silent film made in the 1910s and the genre is slapstick (physical humour). Yr 8 is yr 7 here, and we do college in yr 7! I find it hard to talk to you because of the bad internet always crashing when i try to post and lots of homework.
I'll try to post next week

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Hello everyone australia has been a bit of fun, but NZ is way better (I think)! I just want to say that i hope that Joaquin and Paolo fit in easy enough and they have a good time at St Bens!